Erdem Ertal
Camera Operator / Steadicam
Narrative (selection) Job/Format Director/D.P
Hot Mess Holiday Cam Op/Steadi, LT Jaffar Mahmood / Patrick Alexander Stewart
The Nun Cam Op/ Steadi, Alexa Corin Hardy/ Cory Geryak
What They Had Cam Op/ Steadi, Alexa Elizabeth Chomko/ Anastas Michos & Roberto Schaefer, ASC
Ingrid Goes West B-Cam/ Steadi, Alexa Matt Spicer/ Bryce Fortner
Little Rituals A-Cam/ Steadi, Varicam 35 Marcus Nash/ Gareth Paul Cox
Public Disturbance B-Cam/Steadi, Dragon Danny Lee/ Michael Burgess
A Mermaid's Tale Cam Op/ Steadi, Weapon Dustin Rikert/ AJ Rotano
Shot Steadi Op, Alexa Jeremy Kagan/ Jacek Laskus, ASC
Mothers and Daughters B-Cam Op/Steadi, Alexa Paul Duddridge & Nigel Levy/ Mikael Levin DUDE Steadi Op, Alexa Oliva Milch/ Hillary Spera
A Kind of Magic Steadi Op, Epic Tosca Musk/ Johanna Coelho
Trafficked A-Cam/Steadi, Epic Will Wallace/ Tom Callaway
Out of the Wild Steadicam, Epic Paul Krizan/ Gareth Paul Cox
Seduced B-Cam/Steadi, Epic Jessica Janos/ Christopher Ekstein
Mindhack: #savetheworld Steadi Op, Alexa Royce Gorsuch/ Lars Lindstrom
Butterfly Caught Steadi Op, Sony F65 Manny Rodriguez Jr./ Derek Bauer
American Bred Steadi Op, Epic Justin Chambers/ Michael Moghaddam
Chicago Rot C-Cam, HD Dorian Weinzimmer/ Ryan Berena
The House Itself Steadi Op, Epic Tommy Swerdlow/ Warren Hansen
Television Shows/Network (selection) Job/Format Director/D.P
Chicago MED - Season 7 / NBC Cam Op/Steadi, Alexa Nicole Rubio / Faires A. Sekiya
South Side - Season 2 / HBO A-Cam/Steadi, Alexa Michael Blieden / Alex Vendler
Emily in Paris - Season 1 Ep.1 / Netfilx A-Cam/Steadi, Alexa Andrew Fleming / Steven Fierberg
Empire - Season 6 / FOX Cam Op/ Steadi, Alexa Craig Brewer/ Paul M. Sommers
Watchmen - Season 1 / HBO 2nd Unit A-Cam Op, Alexa Nicole Kassell / Greg Middleton
Legion - Season 3 - Ep.6 / FX B-Cam Op, Alexa Paul Cameron / Alex Disenhof, ASC
Dirty John - Season 1 / Netflix B-Cam/Steadi, DXL 2 Jeffrey Reiner / Todd McMullen
Insecure - Season 3 - Ep. 1-3 / HBO Cam Op/Steadi, Alexa Prentice Penny/ Ava Berkofsky
Suits - Season 7 Ep.16 / USA B Cam Op/ Steadi, Alexa Anton Cropper/ William Klayer
The Chi - Season 1 Ep. 1-5 / SHOWTIME Cam Op/ Steadi, Alexa David Rodriguez/ Abe Martinez
Electric Dreams- Season 1 Ep. 1-3 / SONY B Cam Op/ Steadi, Red Alan Taylor/ John Lindley & Paul Sommers
Project MC2 - Season 1 Ep. 3 / NETFLIX Steadi Op, Epic Michael Younesi/ Barry Norwood
Commercials (selection) Job/Format Director/D.P
Toyota "Bookstore" Cam Op/Steadi, Alexa Ted Melfi / Lawrence Sher, ASC
Burberry London "Freedom" Cam Op/ Steadi, Alexa Bonnie Wright / Kate Arizmendi
XBOX "Play Anywhere" Steadi, Alexa John Christopher Pina/ Alex Disenhof
Motorola "Moto Razr" A-Cam/ Steadi, Dragon Win Bates/ Nick Taylor
Sunny Delight "100 Meters of Glory" Cam Op/ Steadi, Alexa Ian Bonhote/ Laura Merians
Kabam “Hobbit Dance Fight” B-Cam/Steadi, Epic Alberto Belli/ Michael Burgess
GlamGlow “The Beginning” A-Cam/Steadi, Alexa Nima Javadi/ Michael Moghaddam
Nike “Conquer Fear” Steadi, Amira Louis Sallerson/ Justin Kane
Google “Ingress” Steadi, RED Ry Wardwell/ Eddie Salerno Jr.
Sony “Lady Hounds” A-Cam/Steadi, F65 Eric Nichols/ Daniel Clarke
Volkswaggon “Timeless” A-Cam/Steadi, HD Ayasylla Ghosen/ Sach Bobbitt
Music Videos (selection) Job/Format Director/D.P
Beyoncè: "Spirit" Black is King Steadi, Alexa Jake Nava / Erik Henriksson
Cold War Kids: "Love is Mystical" Steadi, Alexa Phillip Lopez / Jeremiah Pitman
Oliver Tree: "All That x Alien Boy" Steadi, Alexa Oliver Tree / Ben Goodman
Belly ft. The Weeknd: "Might Not" Steadi, Alexa Shomi Patwary/ Zac Adams
Rosana Pansino: “Perfect Together” A-Cam/Steadi, HD Greg Aronowitz/ Lan Bui
Tenny: “Auction ou Verite” Steadi, Epic David Dang/ Ben Kitchens
Must Die: “Imprint” Steadi, Alexa Brendan Vaughn/ Zac Adams
A. J. McLean: “Live Together” Steadi, Epic Justin Jones/ Taylor Randall
Hopsin: “My Love” Steadi, RED Mo McRae/ Brendan Ruiz
Member of: IATSE Local 600, Steadicam Operators Association
Fluent in: English, Polish